Friday, February 6, 2009

Working inside the box.

So I cracked open the P90X box and here is what I found inside.


The three main items of importance is the Fitness Guide, Nutrition Plan, and Workout CDs.

Fitness Guide

The Fitness Guide walks through the preparation steps that one should follow to determine accomplishments at the end of your 90 days. The guide also lists the 3 exercise tracks that one can choose from to reach the level of extreme fitness. The three levels are P90X Classic, P90X Doubles, and P90X Lean. P90X Classic is the most common and the plan I will be following. P90X Doubles is the same as Classic but after 30 days you add cardio, so it’s an A.M and P.M. workout. P90X Lean is for the people who prefer more cardio and a little less upper body resistance. You will also find in the guide a post-90 day process where you compare notes to what was done during the preparation phase.

In addition to a number of other things, the guide also covers the supplement that you should take during the workouts. In my previous post I mentioned purchasing these supplements during the purchase of the program. I chose to purchase the first 30 days worth and will purchase the additional as my supplies run out. You will want to order 90 day supplies of the P90X® Peak Performance Protein Bars, P90X® Peak Health Formula, P90X® Results and Recovery Formula and the Whey Protein Powder. Please note that you can substitute the recommended supplements with one from your local health store.

It also covers the equipment that you will need in order to successfully complete the workouts. In an upcoming post, I will list out the equipment require and the cost.

The Nutrition Plan

The Nutrition Plan provides the information to keep the body clean and nourished. I am no nutrition expert; however, the book is pretty easy to follow. Like the Fitness Guide, there are three phases (Fat Shredder, Energy Booster, and Endurance Maximizer), three approaches (Portion, Meal Plan, and Quick Option) and three Nutrition Levels (Level I, Level II, and Level III). You will find a few formulas in the book to help you determine your nutrition level. The approach for me will be all 3 Phases using the Meal Plan Approach at Level II.

I have started building my shopping list for the items required to make the various meals. It sure would have been nice if the designers of the program included a shopping list. A basic list noting each item and home much to buys each week or phase. In order to accomplish this, I had to put all recipe items on a spreadsheet and sum up like items. That was some work! I will post the list in a few days.

Workout CDs

The Workout CDs are to be use in conjunction with the plans listed in the Fitness Guide. There are a total of 13 CDs. 12 CDs are needed for the exercise programs and the other CD is used to give you a better understanding of the overall program. I must say that getting the CDs out of the case that it was packaged in is somewhat difficult. Even more so, getting the CDs back in the case is another challenge. Now compound this issue with using a different Workout CD everyday to support the various workout phases. Here is what I did to assist in the rapid fire CD changing process that you will have to go through.


Well that’s it for now. I need to finish up my grocery list and create a schedule of my activities over the next 3 months.

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